簡介 Intro
Optometrists examine eyes and diagnose ocular diseases and disorders. They prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses and recommend treatments such as exercises to correct vision problems or ocular disorders. They work in private practice, clinics and community health centres.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 檢查患者的眼睛,進行測試和使用眼底鏡,或活組織鏡和其他專門的工具來判定眼部健康和視覺效率
- Examine patients’ eyes, conduct tests and use ophthalmoscopes, biomicroscopes and other specialized instruments to determine ocular health and visual efficiency
- 開治療處方(手術除外),維護,改善和矯正視力,並負責其他眼部疾病
- Prescribe treatment (excluding surgery) to maintain, improve and correct vision and manage other ocular disorders
- 開處方並調試眼鏡和隱形眼鏡
- Prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses
- 教育並提醒使用隱形眼鏡的患者的護理,眼衛生,預防保健和維護,燈光安排,工作距離及其他安全因素
- Educate and advise patients on contact lens use and care, ocular hygiene, preventive care and maintenance, lighting arrangements, working distances and other safety factors
- 轉介病人到眼科醫生或醫生和外科醫生以便進行眼部或其他疾病或如下情況,如白內障,青光眼和黃斑變性的治療。
- Refer patients to ophthalmologists or other physicians and surgeons for treatment of ocular or other diseases or conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
- 驗光師亦可專注於以下需要給予視力援助的人,部分失明,隱形眼鏡的驗配或糾正特殊的視力問題。
- Optometrists may specialize in fitting visual aids for people who are partially blind, fitting contact lenses or correcting special vision problems.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 3年數學和科學的大學本科學習
- Three years of university undergraduate studies in mathematics and sciences
- 必需完成為期四年的驗光大學課程。
- A four-year university program in optometry are required.
- 必需持有由省級或地區的監管機構頒發的許可。
- Licensing by the provincial or territorial regulatory governing body is required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 驗光醫生(OD) doctor of optometry (OD)
- OD(醫生驗光) OD (doctor of optometry)
- 驗光師 optometrist
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- Ocularists(其他醫療技師和技術員(除了牙齒健康)) Ocularists (in 3219 Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) )
- 眼科醫生(專科醫師) Ophthalmologists (in 3111 Specialist physicians )
- 配鏡師 Opticians 3231
- 視覺矯正師(其他專業的職業健康診斷和治療) Orthoptists (in 3125 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating )