NOC 3124 聯盟初級保健醫生 (Allied Primary Health Practitioners)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes nurse practitioners, physician assistants and midwives who provide primary health care and treatment in conjunction with physicians and in collaboration with other health professionals. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants provide a range of health services to patients delivering preventive and continuous care toward the management of patients’ health. Midwives provide full-course care to women and their babies during the pre- and post-natal period. Nurse practitioners are employed in community health centres, hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centres. Physician assistants usually work in private practice , including group or team practices, hospitals and clinics. Midwives are employed in hospitals, clinics, birthing centres or in private practice.

There is no mobility between these occupations without further training.

主要職責 Main Duties

执业护士执行部分或全部下列职责:Nurse practitioners perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 檢查病人及其病歷,並與醫生和其他從醫人員諮詢,以評估患者的身體和心理健康
  • Examine patients and take their medical histories and consult with physicians and other medical practitioners to evaluate patients’ physical and mental health
  • 整理化驗檢查,X射線和其他診斷程序
  • Order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures
  • 對患者進行接種和接種疫苗
  • Inoculate and vaccinate patients
  • 向患者及其家屬提供醫療保健建議,包括健康促進,大病,疾病和事故預防
  • Advise patients and their families on health care including health promotion, disease, illness and accident prevention
  • 與跨學科的醫療團隊成員,如家庭醫生,治療師和營養師,共同協作,並與與患者及家屬協商,規劃,實施,協調和評估病人的護理。
  • Collaborate with members of an interdisciplinary health team such as family physicians, therapists and nutritionists to plan, implement, co-ordinate and evaluate patient care in consultation with patients and their families.

醫師助理執行部分或全部下列職責:Physician assistants perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 進行患者採訪,身體評估,並記錄病​​史
  • Conduct patient interviews, physical assessments and take medical histories
  • 執行或整理診斷測試,並解釋結果
  • Perform or order diagnostic tests and interpret results
  • 制定和實施治療計劃和監控患者進展情況
  • Formulate and implement treatment plans and monitor patients’ progress
  • 為患者接種和接種疫苗
  • Inoculate and vaccinate patients
  • 執行和協助小手術
  • Perform and assist in minor surgery
  • 提供健康維護教育
  • Provide health maintenance education
  • 可能參與科研活動。
  • May participate in research activities.

助產士執行部分或全部下列職責:Midwives perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 在懷孕期間,分娩,出生和產後期間,對婦女及其嬰兒提供基礎,全程照顧,包括監測媽媽和寶寶的健康
  • Provide primary, full-course, care to women and their babies during pregnancy, labour, birth and the post-natal period including monitoring the health of mother and baby
  • 處理分娩和自發的正常分娩
  • Manage labour and spontaneous normal deliveries
  • 護理,評估和監測新生兒的健康,按需為嬰幼兒提供適當的醫療服務
  • Care for, assess and monitor the health of newborns and refer infants to appropriate medical services as required
  • 提供建議,指導新生兒和嬰幼兒的護理。
  • Provide advice and guidance regarding care for newborns and young infants.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 執業護士通常需要護理碩士學位,或完成額外的先進或擴展的初級衛生保健護理教育護理課程;並且多年的註冊護士實踐經驗。
  • Nurse practitioners usually require a master’s degree in nursing; or completion of a nursing program with additional advanced or extended primary health care nursing education; and several years of practice as a registered nurse.
  • 各省和各地區的執業護士都要求監管機構的註冊。
  • Registration with a regulatory body is required for nurse practitioners in all provinces and territories.
  • 醫師助理需要完成助理醫師課程的大學學位。
  • Physician assistants require completion of a university degree in a physician assistant program.
  • 馬尼托巴省的助理醫師需要在監管機構註冊。
  • Registration with a regulatory body is required for physician assistants in Manitoba.
  • 助產士需要完成助產或同等的大學本科學位課程,同時具備一個時期的監督實習培訓經驗。
  • Midwives require completion of an undergraduate university degree program in midwifery or its equivalent and a period of supervised practical training.
  • 在紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,新不倫瑞克省,魁北克省,安大略省,馬尼托巴省,薩斯喀徹溫省,阿爾伯塔省,不列顛哥倫比亞省和西北地區,助產士需要監管機構的註冊。
  • Registration with a regulatory body is required for midwives in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 急性護理護士執業 acute care nurse practitioner
  • 先進的執業護士 advanced nurse practitioner
  • 先進的實習護士 advanced practice nurse
  • 麻醉助理 anesthesia assistant
  • 擴展類註冊護士 – 護士執業 extended class registered nurse – nurse practitioner
  • 持牌助產士 licensed midwife
  • 助產士 midwife
  • 護士實習生 – 成人護理 nurse practioner – adult care
  • 護士執業 nurse practitioner
  • 護士執業 – 麻醉 nurse practitioner – anesthesia
  • 護士執業 – 心髒病 nurse practitioner – cardiology
  • 護士執業 – 擴展類 nurse practitioner – extended class
  • 護士執業 – 兒科 nurse practitioner – pediatrics
  • 護士執業 – 初級衛生保健 nurse practitioner – primary health care
  • 助產士 nurse-midwife
  • 助理醫師 physician assistant
  • 初級衛生保健醫生護士 primary health care nurse practitioner
  • 註冊助產士(RM) registered midwife (RM)
  • 註冊護士(RN-EC) – 擴展類 registered nurse – extended class (RN-EC)
  • RM(註冊助產士) RM (registered midwife)

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 全科醫生和家庭醫生 General practitioners and family physicians 3112
  • 醫療保健經理 Managers in health care 0311
  • 其他專業的職業健康診斷和治療 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating 3125
  • 自然癒合執業 Practitioners of natural healing 3232
  • 註冊護士,註冊精神科護士 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 3012
  • 專科醫師 Specialist physicians 3111




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




