簡介 Intro
Practitioners of natural healing provide health care to patients using traditional Chinese medicine techniques and other forms of treatment including acupuncture, herbology or reflexology to promote, maintain and restore the holistic health of patients. They usually work in private practice, including group or team practices, or are employed by clinics, health clubs and spas.
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners may include acupuncture or herbology as part of their healing techniques.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 中國傳統中醫為患者診斷疾病,生理疾病和傷害,使用原藥材和其他藥品,膳食補充劑或針灸治療為其診治。
- Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners diagnose the diseases, physiological disorders and injuries of patients and treat them using raw herbs and other medicines, dietary supplements or acupuncture.
- 針灸師為患者診斷症狀,生理疾病和傷害,並通過針灸針插入或通過刺激技術,如推拿,艾灸,拔罐或電流,為其進行治療。
- Acupuncturists diagnose symptoms, physiological disorders and injuries of patients and treat them by the insertion of acupuncture needles or through stimulation techniques such as acupressure, moxibustion, cupping or electrical current.
- 中醫評估病人,並建議他們使用草藥進行相應疾病的治療,如關節炎,風濕病,哮喘,皮膚病和胃病,他們同時可能培育藥材和製造及銷售中草藥化合物。
- Herbalists assess patients and advise them on the use of herbs for the treatment of conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, skin disorders and stomach ailments and may cultivate herbs and manufacture and sell herbal compounds.
- 順勢療法診斷疾病,並針對疾病本身,以化學或草藥的形式,小劑量管理,或暗示改變生活方式,進行治療。
- Homeopaths diagnose illnesses and treat them by administering, in chemical or herbal form, a small dosage of the illness itself or by suggesting lifestyle changes.
- 反射療法在客戶的手或腳的特定地點用手指輕輕按壓,以促進放鬆和改善身體和身心健康。
- Reflexologists apply gentle finger pressure to specific spots on the clients’ feet or hands to promote relaxation and better health and well-being.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 中國傳統醫藥從業者通常需要完成三到四年的私人機構的中國傳統醫學文憑課程。
- Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners usually require completion of a three- to four-year diploma program in traditional Chinese medicine from a private institute
- 或者完成認可的國外醫療學校開設的中國傳統醫學課程。
- completion of a program in traditional Chinese medicine from recognized medical schools abroad.
- 在安大略省和不列顛哥倫比亞省要求中國傳統中醫必須取得監管機構的註冊。
- Registration with a regulatory body is required for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in Ontario and British Columbia.
- 在魁北克省,安大略省,阿爾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省的針灸師必須取得監管機構的註冊。
- Registration with a regulatory body is required for acupuncturists in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.
- 針灸師通常需要完成一個為期三年的私人機構針灸文憑課程
- Acupuncturists usually require completion of a three-year diploma program in acupuncture from a private institute
- 或者完成一些科學專業的大學本科學習以及相關保健學科的培訓,或在註冊針灸師的監督下的工作經驗。
- completion of some university undergraduate studies in science and training in a related health care discipline or work experience under the supervision of a registered acupuncturist.
- 本單元組的其他職業,通常需要完成特定類型的實踐和一些監督的實踐培訓的培訓項目。
- Other occupations in this unit group usually require completion of training programs specific to their type of practice and some supervised practical training.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 穴位按摩治療師 acupressure therapist
- 針灸,醫生 acupuncture, doctor of
- 針灸師 acupuncturist
- 芳療師 aromatherapist
- 耳廓治療師 auriculotherapist
- 阿育吠陀醫生 ayurvedic practitioner
- 認證虹膜學家 certified iridologist
- 認證腳底按摩師 certified reflexologist
- 認證按摩師 certified rolfer
- 認證羅爾夫運動老師 certified rolfing movement teacher
- 特許郎中 chartered herbalist
- 中國醫生開的藥(CMD) Chinese medicine doctor (CMD)
- 中國中醫 Chinese medicine practitioner
- 臨床催眠治療師 clinical hypnotherapist
- CMD(中國看病吃藥) CMD (Chinese medicine doctor)
- 針灸醫生 doctor of acupuncture
- 中國醫學博士 doctor of Chinese medicine
- 順勢療法醫生 doctor of homeopathic therapeutics
- 順勢療法的醫生 doctor of homeopathy
- 東方醫學博士 doctor of Oriental medicine
- 草藥醫生 herb practitioner
- 草藥醫生 herbal practitioner
- 中藥專家 herbal specialist
- 郎中 herbalist
- 中草藥技師 herbologist
- 草藥學醫生 herbology practitioner
- 佰草集 herborist
- 全科醫生 holistic practitioner
- 同種療法醫師 homeopath
- 順勢療法醫師 homeopathic physician
- 順勢療法執業 homeopathic practitioner
- 同種療法醫師 homeopathist
- 催眠治療師 hypnotherapist
- 虹膜學家 iridologist
- 醫療氣功醫師 medical Qi gong pactitioner
- 東方醫生 Oriental medical practitioner
- 骨科手動醫生 osteopathic manual practitioner
- 醫生,順勢 physician, homeopathic
- 醫生,中國醫學 practitioner, Chinese medicine
- 醫生,藥草 practitioner, herb
- 醫生,草藥 practitioner, herbal
- 醫生,草藥學 practitioner, herbology
- 醫生,全面 practitioner, holistic
- 醫生,順勢 practitioner, homeopathic
- 腳底按摩 reflexologist
- 註冊針灸醫生 registered acupuncture practitioner
- 補救郎中 remedial herbalist
- 補救中草藥學家 remedial herbologist
- 羅爾夫氏按摩師 rolfer
- 羅爾夫運動老師 rolfing movement teacher
- 巫師 shaman
- 指壓治療師 shiatsu therapist
- 老師,羅爾夫運動 teacher, rolfing movement
- 指壓治療師, therapist, shiatsu
- 中國傳統中醫 traditional Chinese medicine practitioner
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 按摩治療師 Massage therapists 3236
- 助產士(聯合初級保健醫生) Midwives (in 3124 Allied primary health practitioners )
- 自然療法和骨科醫生(其他專業的職業健康診斷和治療) Naturopathic and osteopathic physicians (in 3125 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating )