
NOC 4112 律師和魁北克公證員 Lawyers And Quebec Notaries)


簡介 Intro


Lawyers and Quebec notaries advise clients on legal matters, represent clients before administration boards and draw up legal documents such as contracts and wills. Lawyers also plead cases, represent clients before tribunals and conduct prosecutions in courts of law. Lawyers are employed in law firms and prosecutor’s offices. Quebec notaries are employed in notary offices. Both lawyers and Quebec notaries are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments and various business establishments or they may be self-employed. Articling students are included in this group.

Lawyers wishing to practise in another province or territory may be required to pass examinations set by the provincial or territorial law society.

主要職責 Main Duties

任職要求 Employment Requirements

律師 Lawyers

公证人(魁北克)Notaries (Quebec)

所有職稱 All Titles

不包括職稱 Exclusions
