簡介 Intro
Employment counsellors provide assistance and information to job seeker clients on all aspects of employment search and career planning. They also provide advice and information to employer clients regarding employment issues and human resources. Employment counsellors are employed by human resource departments of establishments, employment service organizations , consulting firms, correctional facilities and by federal and provincial governments. Supervisors of employment counsellors are included in this unit group.
Mobility to positions in personnel or training is possible.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible through experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 採訪客戶,獲取其工作經歷,教育背景和職業目標等信息
- Interview clients to obtain employment history, educational background and career goals
- 確定就業障礙,並協助客戶處理好以下事宜:上崗工作技巧,求職策略,書寫簡歷和麵試準備。
- Identify barriers to employment and assist clients with such matters as job readiness skills, job search strategies, writing résumés and preparing for job interviews
- 評估援助需要,如康復,金融援助或進一步培訓和轉介客戶到相應的服務領域
- Assess need for assistance such as rehabilitation, financial aid or further training and refer clients to the appropriate services
- 為既定工人提供信息和維護工作或組織內的調動,處理工作不滿,職業生涯中期的變化和調整工作場所過渡等策略
- Provide established workers with information and strategies for maintaining a job or moving within an organization, dealing with job dissatisfaction, making mid-career changes and adjusting to workplace transitions
- 為客戶收集勞動力市場信息,如有關職位空缺,入職和技能要求以及其他職業信息
- Collect labour market information for clients regarding job openings, entry and skill requirements and other occupational information
- 針對人力資源和其他與就業相關的問題向雇主提供建議
- Advise employers on human resource and other employment-related issues
- 向社會團體和機構,企業,行業和其他組織提供諮詢服務,參與提供以社區為基礎的職業生涯規劃的援助或資源
- Provide consulting services to community groups and agencies, businesses, industry and other organizations involved in providing community-based career planning support or resources
- 可以執行和解釋設計用來確定客戶的興趣,性向和能力的測試。
- May administer and interpret tests designed to determine the interests, aptitudes and abilities of clients.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需是就業輔導,職業發展,或在相關領域,如人力資源開發,心理學,教育或社會服務的大學本科學歷或大專文憑。
- A bachelor’s degree or college diploma in employment counselling, career development or in a related field, such as human resources development, psychology, education or social services is required.
- 可能需要心理輔導或相關領域,如教育心理學,發展心理學或社會工作碩士學位。
- A master’s degree in counselling psychology or a related field such as educational psychology, developmental psychology or social work may be required.
- 在魁北克省,要使用“輔導員”頭銜必須取得專業協會的會員資格。
- In Quebec, membership in a professional association is mandatory to use the title ”counsellor”.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 原住民就業開發者 Aboriginal employment developer
- 原住民就業人員 Aboriginal employment officer
- 原住民就業工人 Aboriginal employment worker
- 職業教練 career coach
- 職業顧問 – 除了教育 career counsellor – except education
- 輔導員職業發展 career development counsellor
- 職業發展推動者 career development facilitator
- 職業生涯開發從業者 career development practitioner
- 職業組的推動者 career group facilitator
- 職業資源中心協調員 career resource centre co-ordinator
- 輔導員,就業 counsellor, employment
- 輔導員,就業 – 政府服務 counsellor, employment – government services
- 輔導員,就業組 counsellor, employment group
- 輔導員,工作 counsellor, job
- 輔導員,工作 – 政府服務 counsellor, job – government services
- 輔導員,職介 counsellor, outplacement
- 輔導員,搬遷 counsellor, relocation
- 就業顧問 employment consultant
- 就業顧問 employment counsellor
- 就業顧問 – 政府服務 employment counsellor – government services
- 就業組參事 employment group counsellor
- 就業拓展參事 employment outreach counsellor
- 就業外展計劃統籌 employment outreach program co-ordinator
- 就業拓展計劃輔導員 employment outreach program counsellor
- 評估人員就業服務 employment services assessment officer
- 就業服務人員 employment services officer
- 組輔導員,就業服務 group counsellor, employment services
- 工作輔導員 job counsellor
- 工作輔導員 – 政府服務 job counsellor – government services
- 求職教練 job search trainer
- 勞動力市場信息顧問 labour market information consultant
- 職介顧問 outplacement consultant
- 職介輔導員 outplacement counsellor
- 宣傳輔導員,就業 outreach counsellor, employment
- 外展計劃統籌,就業 outreach program co-ordinator, employment
- 推廣方案輔導員,就業 outreach program counsellor, employment
- 搬遷顧問 relocation consultant
- 搬遷輔導員 relocation counsellor
- 勞動力調整人員 workforce adjustment officer
- 勞動力開發人員 workforce development officer
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 教育輔導員 Educational counsellors 4033
- 就業保險人員(就業保險,移民,邊境服務和稅務人員) Employment insurance officers (in 1228 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers )
- 人力資源和招聘人員 Human resources and recruitment officers 1223
- 招聘教練對殘疾人(指導員殘疾人) Job coaches for persons with disabilities (in 4215 Instructors of persons with disabilities )
- 職業康復輔導員(家庭,婚姻和其他相關的輔導員) Vocational rehabilitation counsellors (in 4153 Family, marriage and other related counsellors )