簡介 Intro
Hairstylists and barbers cut and style hair and perform related services. They are employed in hairstyling or hairdressing salons, barber shops, vocational schools, health care establishments and theatre, film and television establishments.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
主要職責 Main Duties
髮型師執行部分或全部下列職責:Hairstylists perform some or all of the following duties:
- 建議適合客戶外貌特性的髮型,或依據客戶指示和喜好確定髮型
- Suggest hair style compatible with client’s physical features or determine style from client’s instructions and preferences
- 剪切,修剪,錐化,捲曲,波浪,燙髮並設計頭髮
- Cut, trim, taper, curl, wave, perm and style hair
- 應用漂白劑,著色劑,染料或漂洗來給頭髮染色,霜凍或紋理燙
- Apply bleach, tints, dyes or rinses to colour, frost or streak hair
- 分析頭髮和頭皮狀況,並針對頭皮和頭髮美容護理提供基本治療或建議
- Analyze hair and scalp condition and provide basic treatment or advice on beauty care treatments for scalp and hair
- 清洗和設計假髮和假髮配件
- Clean and style wigs and hair pieces
- 應用髮束
- Apply hair extensions
- 可以清洗和漂洗頭髮
- May shampoo and rinse hair
- 可以執行接待員的職責和訂購耗材
- May perform receptionist duties and order supplies
- 可以裁定比賽
- May judge in competitions
- 可以訓練或監督其他髮型師,髮型師學徒和傭工。
- May train or supervise other hairstylists, hairstylist apprentices and helpers.
理髮師執行部分或全部下列職責:Barbers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 根據客戶的指示或喜好剪切和修剪頭髮
- Cut and trim hair according to client’s instructions or preferences
- 刮鬍子,修剪鬍鬚和鬍子
- Shave and trim beards and moustaches
- 可以洗髮,並提供其他頭髮護理,如燙破浪,拉直和著色,也可以提供頭皮調理按摩
- May shampoo hair and provide other hair treatment, such as waving, straightening and tinting and may also provide scalp conditioning massages
- 可能預約和訂購耗材
- May book appointments and order supplies
- 可能培訓和監督其他理髮師和理髮學徒。
- May train and supervise other barbers and barber apprentices.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
髮型設計師 Hairstylists
- 必需完成中學教育。
- Some secondary school education is required.
- 通常需要完成兩年或三年美髮學徒課程或完成大學或其他髮型設計課程,同時與在職培訓相結合。
- Completion of a two- or three-year hairstyling apprenticeship program or completion of a college or other program in hairstyling combined with on-the-job training is usually required.
- 多年的經驗可以代替正規教育和培訓。
- Several years of experience may replace formal education and training.
- 雇主可能會要求申請人在被錄用之前進行髮型示範。
- Employers may require applicants to provide a hairstyling demonstration before being hired.
- 髮型師行業認證在新斯科舍省,安大略省,馬尼托巴省,薩斯喀徹溫省和艾伯塔省是必修課,在新不倫瑞克省,紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省,愛德華王子島省,魁北克省,不列顛哥倫比亞省,育空地區,西北地區和努納武特也適用,但是自願的。
- Trade certification for hairstylists is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, British Columbia, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut .
- 紅印章背書對通過跨省紅色鋼印考試合格的髮型師也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified hairstylists upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
理髮店 Barbers
- 必需完成中學教育。
- Some secondary school education is required.
- 通常需要完成為期兩年的學徒或其他理髮課程。
Completion of a two-year apprenticeship or other barber program is usually required. - 在職培訓可代替正規教育。
On-the-job training may be substituted for formal education. - 理髮師行業認證是可用的,而在不列顛哥倫比亞省和育空地區是自願的。
Trade certification for barbers is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia and the Yukon. - 紅印章背書對於理髮師也適用,正如圓滿完成了跨省紅色鋼印考試的執業髮型師。
Red Seal endorsement is also available to barbers, as qualified hairstylists, upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 理髮學徒 apprentice, barber
- 學徒工,理髮師 apprentice, hairdresser
- 髮型師學徒, apprentice, hairstylist
- 理髮師 barber
- 理髮學徒 barber apprentice
- 美容院經營者 beauty salon operator
- 頭髮的顏色技術員 hair colour technician
- 頭髮染髮師 hair dyer
- 頭髮護理專家 hair-care specialist
- 理髮師 hairdresser
- 美髮師學徒 hairdresser apprentice
- 美髮專家 hairstyling specialist
- 髮型師 hairstylist
- 髮型師學徒 hairstylist apprentice
- 男人的理髮師 men’s hairdresser
- 造型師,髮型 stylist, hair
- 假髮造型師 wig stylist
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 美學家,電蝕醫師及相關職業 Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations 6562
- 美髮教師(學院和其他職業教師) Hairdressing teachers (in 4021 College and other vocational instructors )