簡介 Intro
Outdoor sport and recreational guides organize and conduct trips or expeditions for sports enthusiasts, adventurers, tourists and resort guests. They are employed by private companies and resorts or may be self-employed.
Outdoor sport and recreational guides usually work on a seasonal basis.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 計劃旅行或探險行程,並安排運送或運輸個人或團體到現場
- Plan itinerary for trip or expedition and arrange transportation or transport individuals or group to site
- 組裝和檢查必要的設備和用品,如野營裝備,救生筏,救生衣,釣具和食品
- Assemble and inspect necessary equipment and supplies, such as camping gear, rafts, life jackets, fishing tackle and food
- 領導或護送個人或團體,並就安全和應急措施,技術和設備的使用提供建議。
- Lead or escort individuals or groups and advise on safety and emergency measures, techniques and the use of equipment
- 提供活動嚮導,如皮划艇,漂流和登山
- Provide instruction for activities such as canoeing, rafting and mountain climbing
- 就具體法規,如狩獵和捕魚的法律和划船法規,給出建議,遵守環境準則,並防止侵犯
- Advise on specific regulations such as hunting and fishing laws and boating regulations, follow environmental guidelines and prevent violations
- 在緊急情況下提供急救
- Provide first aid in emergency situations
- 為團體準備餐飲並搭建營地。
- May prepare meals for group and set up camp.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 本單元組就業要求具備特定的地形或水體知識,嚮導活動的能力和相關的許可證。
- Knowledge of a particular terrain or body of water, demonstrated ability in the guided activity and relevant licences are required for employment in this group.
- 熱氣球飛行員需要完成10小時的空勤預備學校,16個小時的飛行員的指揮經驗,並取得由加拿大運輸部頒發的氣球飛行員執照。
- Hot air balloon pilots require completion of 10 hours of ground school, 16 hours of pilot-in-command experience and a Balloon Pilot Licence issued by Transport Canada.
- 可能需要急救和CPR(心肺復蘇術)的認證。
- Certification in first aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) may be required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 飛艇駕駛員 airship pilot
- 高山嚮導 alpine guide
- 氣球飛行員 balloon pilot
- 皮划艇嚮導 canoeing guide
- 飛船飛行員 dirigible pilot
- 狗拉雪橇嚮導 dogsledding guide
- 花花公子牧馬人 dude wrangler
- 釣魚嚮導 fishing guide
- 淡水釣魚嚮導 freshwater angling guide
- 導遊,狩獵和捕魚 guide, hunting and fishing
- 登山嚮導 guide, mountain climbing
- 導遊,戶外 guide, outdoor
- 嚮導,舾装 guide, outfitting
- 嚮導,泛舟 guide, rafting
- 嚮導,泛舟 guide, whitewater rafting
- 登山嚮導 hiking guide
- 騎馬嚮導 horseback riding guide
- 熱空氣氣球 hot air balloonist
- 狩獵和捕魚嚮導 hunting and fishing guide
- 狩獵和捕魚的運動用品 hunting and fishing outfitter
- 狩獵嚮導 hunting guide
- 登山嚮導 mountain climbing guide
- 登山嚮導 mountain guide
- 登山嚮導 mountaineering guide
- 戶外嚮導 outdoor guide
- 旅行用品 outfitter
- 舾装嚮導 outfitting guide
- 漂流嚮導 rafting guide
- 攀岩嚮導 rock climbing guide
- 雪地車操作嚮導 snowmobile operations guide
- 誘捕嚮導 trapping guide
- 泛舟嚮導 whitewater rafting guide
- 冬季露營嚮導 winter camping guide
- 牧馬人,度假牧場 wrangler, dude ranch
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 娛樂,體育和健身計劃領導人和教官 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness 5254
- 旅遊和旅行嚮導 Tour and travel guides 6531