簡介 Intro
Printing press operators set up and operate sheet and web-fed presses to print text, illustrations and designs on a wide variety of materials such as paper, plastic, glass, leather and metal. They are employed by commercial printing companies; newspapers, magazines, and other publishing companies; and establishments in the public and private sectors that have in-house printing departments.
Progression to supervisory positions, such as pressroom supervisor, is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 審查工作訂單來確定工作規範,如生產時間,色序和所需數量,並告知印刷工人這些規範
- Review job orders to determine job specifications such as production time, colour sequence and quantities required, and advise press crew of these specifications
- 安裝板或圓筒,並作出必要調整
- Mount plates or cylinders and make necessary adjustments
- 填充墨斗並測量,調整和確定設置來控制顏色和粘度
- Fill ink fountains and take measurements, make adjustments and determine settings to control colour and viscosity
- 設立印刷機,檢查樣品,觀察油墨覆蓋,對齊和登記的情況
- Set up press and check samples for ink coverage, alignment and registration
- 使用計算機控制台監控日常印刷機運行的質量和一致性,並按所需作出調整
- Monitor regular press runs for quality and consistency using computer control console and make adjustments as required
- 打印機運行結束時取出並清潔板塊和氣缸
- Remove and clean plates and cylinders at end of press run
- 指導印刷成員的活動,並確保遵守安全的程序。
- Direct activities of press crew and ensure that safety procedures are adhered to.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成印刷技術的大學課程。
- Completion of a college program in printing technology
- 或者通常需要在職培訓和專門高中,大學或行業課程的組合。
- A combination of on-the-job training and specialized high school, college or industry courses is usually required.
- 在魁北克省行業認證是可用的,但是自願的。
- Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Québec.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 學徒印刷機操作員 apprentice press operator
- 印刷機操作員學徒 – 印刷學徒 apprentice press operator – printing
- 印刷工學徒/男/女 apprentice pressman/woman
- 印刷工學徒/男/女 – 印刷的 apprentice pressman/woman – printing
- 學徒印刷機操作員 apprentice printing press operator
- 助理運營商,印刷機 assistant operator, printing press
- 助理記者運營商 – 印刷 assistant press operator – printing
- 助理新聞記者/男/女 assistant pressman/woman
- 新聞記者助理/男/女 – 印刷的 assistant pressman/woman – printing
- 商業印刷機操作員 commercial press operator
- 滾筒印刷機操作員 cylinder press operator – printing
- 滾筒印刷機運營商 cylinder press set-up operator
- 滾筒印刷機工人/男/女 – 印刷 cylinder pressman/woman – printing
- 滾筒印刷機設置操作員 cylinder printing press set-up operator
- 第一次印刷機運營商 – 印刷 first press operator – printing
- 第一新聞記者/男/女 first pressman/woman
- 第一新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷 first pressman/woman – printing
- 平床印刷機Set-up運營商 flat-bed press set-up operator
- 柔印機調節工 flexographic press adjuster
- 柔版印刷機操作員 flexographic press operator
- 柔版印刷機操作員 – 印刷 flexographic press operator – printing
- 柔印機設置技師 – 印刷 flexographic press set-up technician – printing
- 柔性版印刷工/男/女 flexographic pressman/woman
- 柔性版印刷工/男/女 – 印刷的 flexographic pressman/woman – printing
- 凹印機操作工 gravure press operator
- 凹印新聞記者/男/女 gravure pressman/woman
- 凹印機 – 印刷 gravure printer – printing
- 凹印印刷機操作員 gravure printing press operator
- 凹印打樣機運營商 – 印刷 gravure proof press operator – printing
- 凹印防爆拉馬 – 印刷 gravure proof puller – printing
- 凹印防爆壁紙拉馬 gravure proof wallpaper puller
- 墨評估和印刷機操作員 – 印刷 ink evaluation and press operator – printing
- 墨評估新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷的 ink evaluation pressman/woman – printing
- 凹版印刷工 – 印刷 intaglio printer – printing
- 凹版印刷機操作員 intaglio printing press operator
- 打印機工作 job printer
- 凸版運營商 – 印刷 letterpress operator – printing
- 運營商 – 印刷凸版打樣機 letterpress proof press operator – printing
- 拉馬 – 印刷凸版證明 letterpress proof puller – printing
- 平版膠印打樣機 lithographic offset proofer
- 平版膠印打樣手 lithographic offset proofing hand
- 運營商 – 印刷平版印刷機 lithographic press operator – printing
- 平版印刷機的操作員,鈑金 lithographic press operator, sheet metal
- 平版印刷工/男/女 – 印刷的 lithographic pressman/woman – printing
- 平版印刷工/男/女,鈑金 lithographic pressman/woman, sheet metal
- 平版打印工 lithographic printer
- 報紙印刷機操作員 newspaper press operator
- 本報新聞記者/男/女 newspaper pressman/woman
- 平版印刷打樣機運營商 – 印刷 offset lithographic proof press operator – printing
- 偏移機器操作員 offset machine operator
- 膠印機操作者 offset press operator
- 膠印機操作者 – 印刷 offset press operator – printing
- 偏移新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷 offset pressman/woman – printing
- 膠印機 offset printer
- 照相雕刻板打樣機運營商 – 印刷 photoengraved plate proof press operator – printing
- 照相雕刻板防爆拉馬 – 印刷 photoengraved plate proof puller – printing
- 塑料板材膠印機運營商 plastic sheet offset press operator
- 壓板按運營商 – 印刷 platen press operator – printing
- 壓板按招標 platen press tender
- 按運營商 – 印刷 press operator – printing
- 印刷機操作員,油墨評價 – 印刷 press operator, ink evaluation – printing
- 新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷 pressman/woman – printing
- 新聞記者/男/女,油墨評價 – 印刷 pressman/woman, ink evaluation – printing
- 打印機 printer
- 印刷機助理運營商 printing press assistant operator
- 印刷機操作員 printing press operator
- 印刷技師 printing technologist
- 防爆印刷機操作員 proof press operator
- 運營商 – 印刷打樣機 proof press operator – printing
- 防爆印刷機操作員,凹印 – 印 proof press operator, gravure – printing
- 防爆印刷機操作員,凸版印刷 – 印刷 proof press operator, letterpress – printing
- 防爆印刷機操作員,平版印刷 – 印刷 proof press operator, offset lithographic – printing
- 防爆印刷機操作員, photoengraved板 – 印刷 proof press operator, photoengraved plates – printing
- 防爆新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷的 proof pressman/woman – printing
- 打樣機–印刷 proofer – printing
- 印刷打樣的手 – proofing hand – printing
- 打樣印刷機操作員 proofing press operator
- 輪轉印刷機操作員 rotary press operator
- 凹版印刷機運營商 – 印刷 rotogravure press operator – printing
- 凹版印刷機運營商,牆紙 rotogravure press operator, wallpaper
- 凹版印刷新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷 rotogravure pressman/woman – printing
- rotoprinter – 印刷 rotoprinter – printing
- 資深媒體運營商 – 印刷 senior press operator – printing
- 資深新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷 senior pressman/woman – printing
- 建立技師,柔版印刷機 – 印刷 set-up technician, flexographic presses – printing
- 鈑金平版印刷機操作員 sheet metal lithographic press operator
- 鈑金平版印刷工/男/女 sheet metal lithographic pressman/woman
- 熱成像打印機 thermographic printer
- 壁紙凹印打樣機運營商 wallpaper gravure proof press operator
- 壁紙凹版印刷機操作員 wallpaper rotogravure press operator
- 運營商 – 印刷捲筒紙印刷機 Web press operator – printing
- 網絡新聞記者/男/女 – 印刷的 Web pressman/woman – printing
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 激光打印機,顏色和大型複印機和印刷機械的操作員( 無鉛板印刷設備經營) Operators of laser printers, colour and large copiers and printing machines (in 9471 Plateless printing equipment operators )
- 絲網印刷工匠( 工匠和工匠) Screen printing artisans (in 5244 Artisans and craftspersons )
- 監事,印刷及相關行業 Supervisors, printing and related occupations 7303
- 紡織打印工人(紡織纖維和紗線,皮和毛皮加工機運營商和工人) Textile printers (in 9441 Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers )