NOC 7531 鐵路堆場和養路工人 Railway Yard And Track Maintenance Workers


簡介 Intro


Railway yard workers regulate yard traffic, couple and uncouple trains and perform related yard activities. Railway track maintenance workers operate machines and equipment to lay, maintain and repair railway tracks. They are employed by railway transport companies.

Progression to a position such as brakeman is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 操作鐵路站場塔控制面板上的開關,設置交通信號並激活火車開關,調節鐵路調車場的鐵路交通
  • Operate control panel switches from railway yard tower to set traffic signals and to activate train switches that regulate railway traffic in railway yards
  • 操作汽車緩速器,轉盤和跟踪開關對準機車車輛,按照要求連接,解開或服務
  • Operate car retarders, turntables and track switches to align locomotives and cars as required for coupling, uncoupling or servicing
  • 操作機器和設備鋪設,維護和修理鐵軌,調節軌道,轉移,擴散,水平和夯實圍繞紐帶和軌道的鎮流器,並清除軌道雪
  • Operate machines and equipment to lay, maintain and repair railway tracks, align tracks, transfer, spread, level and tamp ballast around ties and rails and to clear snow from tracks
  • 根據指令顯示的所在地,部署和汽車數量,開關汽車
  • Switch cars according to instructions which indicate the location, disposition and number of cars
  • 潤滑鐵路車輛和機車的移動部件
  • Lubricate moving parts of railway cars and locomotives
  • 機器和設備的清潔及小修小補
  • Clean and make minor repairs to machines and equipment
  • 巡邏指派的軌道區段,識別和報告損壞或破裂的軌道
  • Patrol assigned track sections to identify and report damaged or broken track
  • 按照指示執行其他養路職責。
  • Perform other track maintenance duties as directed.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要一些中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is usually required.
  • 必需具備鐵路工人的經驗。
  • Experience as a railway labourer is required.
  • 提供在職訓練
  • On the job training is provided
  • 鐵路站場工人需要加拿大的鐵路運營規則證書。
  • Railway yard workers require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 乘務員,機車 – 鐵路站場 attendant, locomotives – railway yard
  • 汽車管理員 – 鐵路 car controller – railway
  • 汽車緩速運營商 – 鐵路站場 car retarder operator – railway yard
  • 控制塔的運營商 – 鐵路 control tower operator – railway
  • 管理者,汽車 – 鐵路 controller, cars – railway
  • 管理者,鐵路車 – 鐵路站場 controller, railway cars – railway yard
  • 管理者,坦克車 – 鐵路站場 controller, tank cars – railway yard
  • 連接工 – 鐵路站場 coupler – railway yard
  • 分銷商,貨運車 – 鐵路站場 distributor, freight cars – railway yard
  • 分銷商,鐵路車 distributor, railway cars
  • 貨運汽車分銷商 – 鐵路站場 fr​​eight car distributor – railway yard
  • 加油工,軸箱 – 鐵路站場 greaser, journal boxes – railway yard
  • 加油工,鐵路車輛 greaser, railway cars
  • 聯鎖的機艙切換員 – 鐵路站場 interlocking cabin switcher – railway yard
  • 聯鎖信號箱切換員 – 鐵路站場 interlocking signal box switcher – railway yard
  • 軸箱加油工 – 鐵路站場 journal box greaser – railway yard
  • 機車乘務員 – 鐵路站場 locomotive attendant – railway yard
  • 機車分銷商 – 鐵路站場 locomotive distributor – railway yard
  • 機車引擎服務商 locomotive engine servicer
  • 機車檢修服務員 locomotive maintenance attendant
  • 機車服務商 locomotive servicer
  • 加油工,鐵路客車 lubricator, railway cars
  • 機動車輛駕駛員 – 極碼 motor vehicle operator – pole yard
  • 塗有者,鐵路車 oiler, railway cars
  • 運營商,緩凝劑 – 鐵路站場 operator, retarder – railway yard
  • 運營商,轉盤 – 鐵路站場 operator, turntable – railway yard
  • 鐵路整車管理者 – 鐵路站場 railway car controller – railway yard
  • 鐵路汽車經銷商 railway car distributor
  • 鐵路車載加油工 railway car greaser
  • 鐵路汽車潤滑專家 railway car lubricating specialist
  • 鐵路車加油工 railway car lubricator
  • 鐵路汽車塗油者 railway car oiler
  • 鐵路信號員/男/女 railway signalman/woman
  • 鐵路罐車的服務人員 railway tank car servicer
  • 火車發動機維修工人 railway train engine maintenance worker
  • 緩速運營商 – 鐵路站場 retarder operator – railway yard
  • 服務商,機車 servicer, locomotives
  • 信號塔運營商 – 鐵路 signal tower operator – railway
  • 信號員/男/女 – 鐵路運輸 signalman/woman – railway transport
  • 鐵路信號員/男/女, signalman/woman, railway
  • 開關看管者 – 鐵路站場 switch tender – railway yard
  • 切換員 – 鐵路站場 switcher – railway yard
  • 切換員,環環相扣的小屋 – 鐵路站場 switcher, interlocking cabins – railway yard
  • 切換員,聯鎖信號盒 – 鐵路站場 switcher, interlocking signal boxes – railway yard
  • 切換員,開關站 – 鐵路站場 switcher, switching station – railway yard
  • 切換站切換員 – 鐵路站場 switching station switcher – railway yard
  • 扳道工/男/女 – 鐵路 switchman/woman – railway
  • 扳道工/男/女,花園 – 鐵路運輸 switchman/woman, yard – railway transport
  • 槽車管理者 – 鐵路站場 tank car controller – railway yard
  • 塔運營商 – 鐵路運輸 tower operator – railway transport
  • 信號員/男/女 – 鐵路運輸 towerman/woman – railway transport
  • 養路工/男/女 – 鐵路站場 trackman/woman – railway yard
  • 乘務員/男/女 – 鐵路站場 trainman/woman – railway yard
  • 乘務員/男/女,花園 trainman/woman, yard
  • 調表運營商 – 鐵路站場 transfer table operator – railway yard
  • 轉盤運營商 – 鐵路站場 turntable operator – railway yard
  • 站場連接員 – 鐵路 yard coupler – railway
  • 站場扳道工/男/女 – 鐵路運輸 yard switchman/woman – railway transport
  • 站場乘務員/男/女 yard trainman/woman
  • 站場工人 – 鐵路 yard worker – railway
  • 車場工作人員/男/女 – 鐵路 yardman/woman – railway

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 承包商和監督員,重型設備操作人員 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews 7302
  • 鐵路和汽車運輸工人 Railway and motor transport labourers 7622
  • 鐵路導體和列車機務員/男/女 Railway conductors and brakemen/women 7362
  • 鐵路站場職工主管( 主管,鐵路運輸業務) Supervisors of railway yard workers (in 7304 Supervisors, railway transport operations )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




