簡介 Intro
This occupational group includes aquaculture support workers, marine plant gatherers, shellfish diggers and other labourers in aquaculture and fishing. Aquaculture support workers are employed by public or private fish hatcheries and commercial aquatic farms. Marine plant gatherers and shellfish harvesters may be self-employed.
主要職責 Main Duties
水產養殖支持工人執行部分或全部下列職責:Aquaculture support workers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 協助水產養殖技術人員經營魚類孵化場或其他水產養殖場
- Assist aquaculture technicians in the operation of fish hatcheries or other aquatic farms
- 餵養養殖業庫存,預防接種庫存,執行撲殺和標記或捆紮技術,並報告任何觀察到的庫存違規現象。
- Feed aquaculture stocks, vaccinate stocks, perform culling and marking or banding techniques and report any observed irregularities in stocks
- 操作,維護和清洗泵,過濾器,水槽和其他水產養殖設備,清潔和維護水產養殖附件
- Operate, maintain and clean pumps, filters, tanks and other aquaculture equipment and clean and maintain aquaculture enclosures
- 每日記錄水流和魚樣本
- Keep daily records of water flow and fish samples
- 分等級和稱重水產養殖庫存
- Grade and weigh aquaculture stocks
- 準備水產養殖庫存以備出售
- Prepare aquaculture stocks for market
- 可經營船類水產養殖。
- May operate boats aquaculture operations.
海洋植物收集者執行部分或全部下列職責:Marine plant gatherers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 從沙灘,岩石或淺水處耙海藻,紅皮藻或愛爾蘭苔,並裝載到購物車,旅行車或其他容器
- Rake seaweed, dulse or Irish moss from beach, rocks or shallow water and load into a cart, wagon or other receptacles
- 傳播採集物,乾燥並去除異物
- Spread gatherings to dry and remove foreign objects
- 運輸採集物到加工廠。
- Transport gatherings to processing plant.
貝類收割工執行部分或全部下列職責:Shellfish harvesters perform some or all of the following duties:
- 用鍬,叉或其他工具,從產床上挖蛤,或收集牡蠣
- Dig clams from beds with spades, forks or other instruments, or collect oysters
- 清潔,整理和運輸貝類到市場。
- Clean, sort and transport shellfish to market.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要一些中學教育。 Some secondary school education is usually required.
- 貝類收割工要求商業捕魚執照。 Shellfish harvesters require commercial fishing licences.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 水產養殖支持工人 aquaculture support worker
- 水產養殖工人 aquaculture worker
- 服務員,龍蝦一斤 attendant, lobster pound
- 蛤蜊挖掘工 clam digger
- 紅皮藻採集者 dulse gatherer
- 養魚場的幫手 fish farm helper
- 養魚場工人 fish farm worker
- 魚孵化場服務員 fish hatchery attendant
- 魚孵化場加標籤者 fish hatchery tagger
- 魚苗孵化場工人 – 水產養殖 fish hatchery worker – aquaculture
- 魚加標籤者 fish tagger
- 炒標記 fry marker
- 魚苗標記 – 釣魚 fry marker – fishing
- 炒加標籤者 fry tagger
- 孵化幫手 hatchery helper
- 孵化場的工人 – 水產養殖 hatchery worker – aquaculture
- 愛爾蘭苔採集者 Irish moss gatherer
- 龍蝦磅服務員 lobster pound attendant
- 海洋植物收集者 marine plant gatherer
- 貽貝養殖場工人 mussel farm labourer
- 貽貝收穫工 mussel harvester
- 牡蠣收割工 oyster harvester
- 牡蠣選擇者 oyster picker
- 牡蠣選擇器剝殼工 oyster picker-shucker
- 圓蛤類挖掘工 quahog digger
- 海農場服務員 sea farm attendant
- 海農場工人 sea farm worker
- 海藻採集者 seaweed gatherer
- 貝類床服務員 shellfish bed attendant
- 貝類收穫工 shellfish harvester
不包括職稱 Exclusions