NOC 9434 木材加工機器操作員 Other Wood Processing Machine Operators


簡介 Intro

本單元組的機器操作員操作並看管木材加工設備和機器,去除原木的樹皮,生產木屑,維護和治療木材,生產華夫板,刨花板,硬質纖維板,絕緣板,膠合板,及類似的木製品。他們受聘於鋸材廠,紙漿廠,刨廠,木材加工廠,華夫廠及其他木材加工廠調木車間 。

Machine operators in this unit group operate and tend wood processing equipment and machines to remove bark from logs, produce wood chips, preserve and treat wood, and produce waferboards, particleboards, hardboards, insulation boards, plywood, veneers and similar wood products. They are employed in sawmills, woodrooms of pulp mills, planing mills, wood treatment plants, waferboard plants and other wood processing plants.

There is some mobility among jobs in this unit group.

Progression to other positions in the wood, pulp and paper industries is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 操作和管理各種木材加工設備和機器,除去原木樹皮,節結和污垢;把木材或鋸木廠廢料分解成木屑或薄片;堆積和捆版木材;篩選木屑和生產晶圓板,刨花板,硬質纖維板和絕緣板
  • Operate and tend various wood processing equipment and machines to remove bark, knots and dirt from logs; reduce logs or sawmill waste into wood chips or flakes; stack and band lumber; screen wood chips; and produce waferboards, particleboards, hardboards and insulation boards
  • 操作和管理輸送機,車床,打磨機等設備,從原木和原木部分剝皮和切片單板,粘連,按壓,修剪,打磨和剪接薄板
  • Operate and tend conveyors, lathes, sanding machines and other equipment to peel and slice veneer from logs and log sections, and to glue, press, trim, sand and splice veneer sheets
  • 操作和管理窯,處理槽和其他設備,來乾燥木材和其他木製品,使用防腐劑,用化學方法處理和浸漬木製品
  • Operate and tend kilns, treating tanks and other equipment to dry lumber and other wood products, and to treat chemically and impregnate wood products with preservatives
  • 觀察設備,面板指示燈,視頻監視器和其他儀器來檢測故障,並確保流程按照規範操作
  • Observe equipment, panel indicators, video monitors, and other instruments to detect malfunctions and ensure that processes are operating according to specifications
  • 機械或手動組裝膠合板及維修膠合板及單板,
  • Assemble plywood panels and repair plywood and veneer mechanically or manually
  • 啟動,關閉,設置,調整,並協助維持所需的加工設備和機器
  • Start up, shut down, set up, adjust and assist in maintaining processing equipment and machines as required
  • 完成和維護生產報告。
  • Complete and maintain production reports.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 提供了數個月的在職培訓。
  • Several months of on-the-job training are provided.
  • 對於木材窯運營商,刨花板運營商和華夫運營商,可能需要完成大學或公司的某種課程以及一年以上的在職培訓組合。
  • For lumber kiln operators, particleboard operators and waferboard operators, some combination of college or company courses and up to one year of on-the-job training may be required.
  • 可能需要木材加工勞動者的以往的經驗。
  • Previous experience as a labourer in wood processing may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 自動單板剪看管者 – 木材加工 automatic veneer clipper tender – wood processing
  • 巴克運營商 barker operator
  • 巴克運營商 – 木材加工 barker operator – wood processing
  • 剝皮機器操作員 – 木材加工 barking machine operator – wood processing
  • 木片篩看管者 – 木材加工 chip screen tender – wood processing
  • 芯片拌和機看管者 – 木材加工 chip-mixing machine tender – wood processing
  • 削片機操作員 chipper operator
  • 爽朗的運營商 – 木材加工 chipper operator – wood processing
  • 剪運營商 – 木材加工 clipper operator – wood processing
  • 核心層 – 木材加工 core layer – wood processing
  • 核心鋪設機看管者 – 木材加工 core-laying machine tender – wood processing
  • 切除鋸木匠,單板條 – 木材加工 cut-off sawyer, veneer strips – wood processing
  • 剝皮機操作員 – 木材加工 debarker operator – wood processing
  • 浸槽看管者 – 木材加工 dip tank tender – wood processing
  • 下降分揀機操作員 – 木材加工 drop sorter operator – wood processing
  • 剝皮鼓看管者 – 木材加工 drum barker tender – wood processing
  • 乾燥機看管者,木材顆粒 dryer tender, wood particles
  • 乾燥窯操作員 – 木材加工 drying kiln operator – wood processing
  • 封邊塗膠機 – 木材加工 edge gluer – wood processing
  • 精益求精機看管者 excelsior machine tender
  • 刨片機操作員 – 木材加工 flaker operator – wood processing
  • 形成硬質纖維板生產線操作員 forming line operator, hardboard
  • 成型機操作員,刨花板 forming machine operator, particleboard
  • 燃料原木廠商 – 木材加工 fuel log maker – wood processing
  • 研磨機操作員,硬質纖維板 grinding machine operator, hardboard
  • 開槽操作員,膠合板 – 木材加工 groover operator, plywood panels – wood processing
  • 硬紙板印刷機操作員 – 木材加工 hardboard press operator – wood processing
  • 形成硬質纖維板的生產線操作員 hardboard-forming line operator
  • 硬質纖維板研磨機操作員 hardboard-grinding machine operator
  • 硬質纖維板注油機看管者 hardboard-oiling machine tender
  • 熱壓運營商 – 木材加工 hot press operator – wood processing
  • 加濕器看管者 – 木材加工 humidifier tender – wood processing
  • 液壓剝皮運營商 – 木材加工 hydraulic barker operator – wood processing
  • 切割機看管者 – 木材加工 incising machine tender – wood processing
  • 保溫板按看管者 insulation board press tender
  • 榫看管者 – 木材加工 jointer tender – wood processing
  • 榫,單板 – 木材加工 jointer, veneer – wood processing
  • 車床去污劑 – 木材加工 lathe spotter – wood processing
  • 上籃得分機器操作員 – 木材加工 layup machine operator – wood processing
  • 原木電飯煲 – 木材加工 log cooker – wood processing
  • 原木增值稅看管者 – 木材加工 log vat tender – wood processing
  • 木材降分揀 – 木材加工 lumber drop sorter – wood processing
  • 木材窯操作員 lumber kiln operator
  • 木材分揀機,機 lumber sorter, machine
  • 機膠合板補丁 machine plywood patcher
  • 磨坊主,木粉 miller, wood flour
  • 攪拌機機看管者,木材顆粒 mixer-dryer tender, wood particles
  • 多鼓砂光機操作員 multidrum sander operator
  • 運營商,木材窯 operator, lumber kiln
  • 運營商, multidrum砂光機 operator, multidrum sander
  • 操作員,刨花板 operator, particleboard
  • 運營商,膠合板壓力機 operator, plywood press
  • 面板開槽操作員 – 木材加工 panel-groover operator – wood processing
  • 面板砂光機操作員 – 木材加工 panel-sanding machine operator – wood processing
  • 刨花板生產線操作員 particleboard line operator
  • 刨花板成型機操作員 particleboard-forming machine operator
  • 刨花板施膠看到看管者 particleboard-sizing saw tender
  • 補丁運營商 – 木材加工 patcher operator – wood processing
  • 膠合板及單板補丁修理工 plywood and veneer patcher and repairer
  • 膠合板捆紮機 plywood bundler
  • 膠合板面板安裝員 plywood panel assembler
  • 膠合板面板開槽操作員 – 木材加工 plywood panel groover operator – wood processing
  • 膠合板補丁 plywood patcher
  • 膠合板補丁,機 plywood patcher, machine
  • 膠合板印刷機操作員 plywood press operator
  • 膠合板施膠看到看管者 – 木材加工 plywood-sizing saw tender – wood processing
  • 印刷機操作員,硬質纖維板 – 木材加工 press operator, hardboard – wood processing
  • 按看管者,保溫板 press tender, insulation board
  • 環剝皮運營商 – 木材加工 ring barker operator – wood processing
  • 圍巾糊盒機 – 木材加工 scarf gluer – wood processing
  • 火焰清理機看管者 – 木材加工 scarfer tender – wood processing
  • 火焰清理機看管者 – 木材加工 scarfing machine tender – wood processing
  • 屏幕看管者,芯片 – 木材加工 screen tender, chips – wood processing
  • 上漿鋸看管者,膠合板 – 木材加工 sizing saw tender, plywood – wood processing
  • 回火設備看管者 tempering plant tender
  • 看管者,自動單板剪 – 木材加工 tender, automatic veneer clipper – wood processing
  • 看管者,日誌增值稅 – 木材加工 tender, log vat – wood processing
  • 看管者,火焰清理機 – 木材加工 tender, scarfing machine – wood processing
  • 回火設備看管者, tender, tempering plant
  • 木材處理罐運營商 timber treating tank operator
  • 處理工人 – 木材防腐 treating worker – wood preserving
  • 增值稅看管者,原木 – 木材加工 vat tender, logs – wood processing
  • 單板剪 – 木材加工 veneer clipper – wood processing
  • 單板剪看管者,自動 – 木材加工 veneer clipper tender, automatic – wood processing
  • 單板切割機 – 木材加工 veneer cutter – wood processing
  • 單板乾燥機看管者 veneer dryer tender
  • 單板乾燥看管者 – 木材加工 veneer dryer tender – wood processing
  • 單板接洽人 – 木材加工 veneer jointer – wood processing
  • 單板榫運營商 – 木材加工 veneer jointer operator – wood processing
  • 單板車床操作員 veneer lathe operator
  • 旋切機操作員 – 木材加工 veneer lathe operator – wood processing
  • 單板匹配工 – 木材加工 veneer matcher – wood processing
  • 單板補丁 – 木材加工 veneer patcher – wood processing
  • 單板捲軸看管者 – 木材加工 veneer reel tender – wood processing
  • 單板切片機泡沫 – 木材加工 veneer slicer-lather – wood processing
  • 單板熔接看管者 – 木材加工 veneer splicer tender – wood processing
  • 單板條形切割關閉鋸木匠 – 木材加工 veneer strip cut-off sawyer – wood processing
  • 單板錐度 – 木材加工 veneer taper – wood processing
  • 單板切片機操作員 – 木材加工 veneer-slicing machine operator – wood processing
  • 華夫印刷機操作員 waferboard press operator
  • 華夫印刷機操作員 – 木材加工 waferboard press operator – wood processing
  • 實木顆粒機看管者 wood particle dryer tender
  • 木顆粒攪拌機機看管者 wood particles mixer-dryer tender
  • 木材處理者 wood treater
  • 木材處理者 – 木材防腐 wood treater – wood preserving
  • 木油機操作員 – 木材加工 wood-oiling machine operator – wood processing

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 木材,紙漿和紙加工的勞動力 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing 9614
  • 鋸木機運營商 Sawmill machine operators 9431
  • 主管,林產品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing 9215




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




