NOC 9465 測試員及定級員,食品,飲料及相關產品的加工 Testers And Graders, Food, Beverage And Associated Products Processing


簡介 Intro


Testers and graders in this unit group test or grade ingredients and finished food, beverage or associated products to ensure conformance to company standards. They are employed in fruit and vegetable processing plants, dairies, flour mills, bakeries, sugar refineries, fish plants, meat plants, breweries and other food, beverage and associated products processing plants.

There is little mobility among the various types of testers and graders in this unit group.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 在不同處理階段提取產品的樣品
  • Take samples of products at various stages of processing
  • 通過視覺,觸覺,味覺和嗅覺檢查原料或成品,或稱重材料,以確保符合公司標準
  • Examine ingredients or finished products by sight, touch, taste and smell or weigh materials to ensure conformance to company standards
  • 進行常規測試,如顏色,酒精含量,碳化,含水率,溫度,脂肪含量和包裝產品規格
  • Conduct routine tests for product specifications such as colour, alcohol content, carbonation, moisture content, temperature, fat content and packaging
  • 定級或排序原材料或成品
  • Grade or sort raw materials or finished products
  • 確保衛生習慣,符合政策和法規
  • Ensure hygiene and sanitation practices conform to policies and regulations
  • 告知主管有關成分或產品的不足之處。
  • Advise supervisors of ingredient or product deficiencies.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 可能必需完成中學。
  • Completion of secondary school may be required.
  • 可能需要食品,飲料及相關產品加工行業的機器操作者或勞動者的經驗。
  • Experience as a machine operator or labourer in the food, beverage and associated products processing industry may be required.
  • 通常提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is usually provided.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 培根定級員 bacon grader
  • 牛肉定級員 beef grader
  • 啤酒灌裝生產線的質量控制測試員 beer bottling line quality control tester
  • 啤酒測試員 beer tester
  • 飲料瓶督察 beverage and bottle inspector
  • 飲料巡視員 beverage inspector
  • 麵包測試員 bread tester
  • 啤酒廠測試員 – 食品和飲料加工 brewery tester – food and beverage processing
  • 黃油定級員 butter grader
  • 乳脂測試員 butterfat tester
  • 督察 – 食品和飲料加工 can inspector – food and beverage processing
  • 糖果督察 candy inspector
  • 罐裝和瓶裝食品檢查 canned and bottled foods inspector
  • 閹雞定級員 – 食品和飲料加工 capon grader – food and beverage processing
  • 套管定級員 – 食品和飲料加工 casing grader – food and beverage processing
  • 奶酪定級員 cheese grader
  • 雪茄定級員 cigar grader
  • 香煙定級員 cigarette grader
  • 香煙測試員 cigarette tester
  • 餅乾測試員 cookie and cracker tester
  • 奶油定級員 cream grader
  • 奶油測試員 dairy cream tester
  • 乳製品定級員 – 食品和飲料加工 dairy grader – food and beverage processing
  • 乳製品水分測試員 dairy moisture tester
  • 奶製品檢測員 – 食品和飲料加工 dairy product tester – food and beverage processing
  • 乳品檢測員 – 食品和飲料加工 dairy tester – food and beverage processing
  • 身著家禽定級員 dressed poultry grader
  • 飼料檢測員 – 食品和飲料加工 feed tester – food and beverage processing
  • 發酵檢查員,酒廠 fermentation inspector, wineries
  • 過濾嘴督察 – 煙草加工 filter tip inspector – tobacco processing
  • 魚定級員 fish grader
  • 食品和飲料加工定級員 food and beverage processing grader
  • 水果和蔬菜定級員學生 – 食品和飲料加工 fruit and vegetable grader – food and beverage processing
  • 測量員 – 酒廠 gauger – wineries
  • 定級員 – 食品和飲料加工 grader – food and beverage processing
  • 定級員,黃油 grader, butter
  • 定級員,奶酪 grader, cheeses
  • 定級員,香煙 grader, cigarettes
  • 定級員,雪茄 grader, cigars
  • 定級員,奶油 grader, cream
  • 定級員,魚 grader, fish
  • 定級員,羊肉 grader, lamb
  • 定級員,肉 grader, meat
  • 定級員,牛奶 grader, milk
  • 定級員,煙草 grader, tobacco
  • 糧食取樣器 – 食品和飲料加工 grain sampler – food and beverage processing
  • 火腿定級員 ham grader
  • 大桶檢查員 – 煙草加工 hogshead inspector – tobacco processing
  • 蜂蜜定級員和攪拌者 honey grader and blender
  • 督察,飲料 inspector, beverages
  • 督察,飲料瓶 inspector, beverages and bottles
  • 檢查員,罐裝和瓶裝食品 inspector, canned and bottled foods
  • 檢查員,過濾嘴 – 煙草加工 inspector, filter tip – tobacco processing
  • 督察,猶太 – 食品和飲料加工 inspector, kosher – food and beverage processing
  • 猶太檢查員 – 食品和飲料加工 kosher inspector – food and beverage processing
  • 羊肉定級員 lamb grader
  • 白酒測試員 – 食品和飲料加工 liquor tester – food and beverage processing
  • 糖化員- 食品和飲料加工 mashgiach – food and beverage processing
  • 肉類定級員 meat grader
  • 牛奶定級員 milk grader
  • 牛奶接收機測試員 milk receiver-tester
  • 水分含量測試員 – 奶製品 moisture content tester – dairy products
  • 水分含量測試員 – 煙草加工 moisture content tester – tobacco processing
  • 豬肉定級員 pork grader
  • 家禽定級員 poultry grader
  • 過程控制檢查 – 食品和飲料加工 process control checker – food and beverage processing
  • 生產定級員 – 食品和飲料加工 produce grader – food and beverage processing
  • 產品測試員 – 食品和飲料加工 product tester – food and beverage processing
  • 質量控制檢查 – 食品和飲料加工 quality control checker – food and beverage processing
  • 質量控制測試員,啤酒灌裝生產線 quality control tester, beer bottling line
  • 玉米種子定級員 seed corn grader
  • 大豆測試員 soybean tester
  • 澱粉測試員 – 食品和飲料加工 starch tester – food and beverage processing
  • 糖測試員 sugar tester
  • 測度計管理員 – 食品和飲料加工 tenderometer tender – food and beverage processing
  • 測試麵包師 – 食品和飲料加工 test baker – food and beverage processing
  • 測試員,啤酒 tester, beer
  • 測試員,餅乾和餅乾 tester, cookies and crackers
  • 測試員,酒 – 食品和飲料加工 tester, liquor – food and beverage processing
  • 測試員,水分含量 – 煙草加工 tester, moisture content – tobacco processing
  • 測試員,產品 – 食品和飲料加工 tester, products – food and beverage processing
  • 測試員,糖 tester, sugar
  • 煙草定級員 tobacco grader
  • 菸葉定級員 tobacco leaf grader
  • 煙草樣品拉馬 tobacco sample puller
  • 牛肉分級員 veal grader
  • 酒測試工 wine tester
  • 酒廠發酵檢查員 wineries fermentation inspector
  • 酒廠測量員 wineries gauger

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 農業和魚類產品的檢查員 Agricultural and fish products inspectors 2222
  • 質量控制技師和技師 ( 化學技師和技術員) Quality control technologists and technicians (in 2211 Chemical technologists and technicians )
  • 監事,食品,飲料及相關產品的加工 Supervisors, food, beverage and associated products processing 9213




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




